Planing & Analytics

2020 saw substantial changes and challenges to our world. Our businesses have been disrupted, and the business continuity challenges that business and IT leaders are facing has forced many of us to re-evaluate our time-proven business intelligence and analytics tools and processes. With the business world leaping into remote working, digital transformation has been thrust upon many who were largely unprepared.

PMsquare is working closely with clients, leveraging our engagements, our experience and expertise to develop short-to medium-term solutions that can be deployed fairly quickly and enable resilient models with minimal or no downtime.

Turning Transformation into Opportunity

Feeling dazed and confused from all the digital transformation talk?  PMsquare have been delivering remarkable digital transformation experiences to our clients for many years. For many, prior to digital transforatmation, all data manipulation, collection and aggregation took place in Excel spreadsheets, that always seemed to fall short on accuracy.

Data virtualisation is particularly helpful when users need actual or near real-time data access from multiple systems of record in a complex data architecture. Rather than wait for weeks or months for new data to become available in a typical data warehourse, users can access real-time data views quickly and effectively, allowing them to closely tie analytics to operational business decisions in real-time, making it possible to easily surf the unpredictability of a changing market.

PMsquare selects the technology vendors it works with very carefully. Our mission is to help organisations improve their agility to make intelligent data-driven decisions that create value and opportunity.  In most industries today, decision makers in every line of business and department need analytics insightwAnalytics projects tend to have a voracious appetite for data, and in the current unpredictable market, rapid and efficient data-driven decision-making