Business Intelligence & Advanced Analytics

Revealing the Best Stories with your Data

Throughout history, Storytellers have always been held in high regard, not only to preserve our history, but to also allow us to continue to grow by learning from our mistakes.

Organisations that have a well designed BI Report or Dashboard, gain a distinct advantage over competitors, because their analysts can impart the right data at the right level, at the right time, making it easier for decision-makers to understand and make quick decisions.

The PMsquare Sri Lanka team is highly experienced in helping organisations utilise today’s BI technologies to tell the best stories with their data. By working with you closely, we come to understand the key drivers of your business plus the KPI’s that really matter to your bottom line. The dashboards and reports we then design reflect the best way for you to visualise this information in real time.

As sophisticated as the human brain is, your eyes and brain can only process a limited amount of information at a time, and can even be tricked into thinking certain information is not there at all. This is where automation, artificial intelligence and machine learning, when designed properly, can ensure the correct information is revealed to the analyst’s at the correct time, so they can tell the best stories from your data to support and guide decision-makers better.

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