Demand & Supply Planning

The Optimised Supply Chain

Fast changing customer product demands are now causing many organisations to spend large amounts of time and resources trying to understand their customers better – Keeping just enough product on the shelf, minimising wastage while maximising cashflow and revenue, without tying up your cash in inventory on a day-to-day basis. Keeping all these balls in the air can be hectic and quite demanding.

Today, most markets are plagued with uncertainty. Combine this with new disruptive competitors appearing out of nowhere, can mean any false move or hesitation to act, can be fatal.

So, how can you avoid becoming the proud owner of a warehouse full of obsolete stock?

Following the steps below, while incorporating automation can give you the advantage you are looking for:

Demand Forecasting

Incorporate your sales history, seasonality, product and geographic clustering. Learn more...

Demand Planning

Factor in product ranging, weather, supply logistics (shipping) and store outages into future sales forecasts. Learn more...

Stock Allocations

Add the effects of product and price promotions to see the actual stock allocation. Learn more…
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